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This formula provides key amino acids and nutrients to support patients with malabsorption conditions such as IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s disease, and Celiac disease. In

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Our Pregnancy Support IV formula is specifically designed to provide relief from persistent fatigue or nausea that commonly occurs during pregnancy. This customized formula is

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Our Women’s Reproductive Health Support IV formula is specially formulated to provide key nutrients that support egg quality and hormonal health in women. This formula

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Our Liver Detox Support IV formula is packed with antioxidants and cofactors that are specifically designed to support liver detoxification. This formula is ideal for

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Weight loss

Our Weight Loss Support IV formula is specifically designed to kick-start your weight loss journey, whether it’s for your upcoming wedding or the summer season.

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Our Adrenal Support IV formula is designed to specifically support your adrenal glands, especially during times of chronic stress. This unique formula includes a blend

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Need a boost of energy? Our Energy Boost IV formula is designed to provide you with the supportive combination of vitamins and antioxidants, including extra

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Hangover restore

We’ve all experienced going a bit overboard the night before and waking up in the morning with a pounding headache and body pain. While common

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Ideal for post-surgery, after heavy workouts, or any other major stressor that requires replenishing the building blocks of health, this IV formula helps with hydration

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Heal from the inside out with this formula, packed with antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals necessary for skin health, shown to slow down the

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Tailored for acute or chronic immune support, this formula is equipped with a higher dose of Vitamin C, a high dose of Zinc, Selenium, and

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IV Therapy


Glutathione  Intravenous Glutathione Intravenous (IV) added to any IV bag. This antioxidant is best delivered through IV therapy, as ingesting glutathione can result in excessive

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IV Therapy

IV Formulas

What are our Other IV Formulas? We offer individualized IV bag compounding as well as an a la carte menu, allowing you to customize your

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IV Therapy

High-Dose Vitamin C IV

Unlock the potential of high-dose vitamin C IV infusion, a powerful therapy delivering concentrated vitamin C directly into the bloodstream. This treatment offers a range

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